Friday, August 5, 2011

Best College Football Entrance in the Country at Any Level

Shout out to all of my College of Wooster Fight Scots! This video gave me goosebumps when I watched it again. I still remember being amazed by this when I was being recruited by them. I know this will bring back some good memories for the Swearingen brother who was actually athletic. Just kidding Shane, I love you and your club foot.

College football is just around the corner. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Humbling Video

Just in case any of you were feeling a little too big for you britches is a nice video to bring you down a few notches. Enjoy...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DMB Caravan in Chicago


So I traveled to Chicago this weekend with Uncle Steve, Jas Bro, The Katt, and Jimmmy(for a few hours) to visit Reo, Fairborn, Dank, and the Goose. But more importantly we went to see the Dave Matthews and the DMB Caravan. The venue was absolutely terrible. First of all, its about 50,000 white people traveling to the southside of chicago where stray cats and Leroy Brown roam the streets at night. Secondly, it took more time getting to the venue form the city than it did for OAR to play their only set. But boy I'll tell you hwat. The music was phenomenal. Dave Matthews Band played one of the greatest shows on Friday night that I have ever seen. His set list was phe-nomenal, im-pecable, a-rugola! Kid Cudi was terrible. That guy appeals to the pot head high school teeny boppers. Stay in the studio Cudi, you're terrible live. Dave and Tim Reynolds played a one hour set on Saturday afternoon that was dirty. Not to mention the fact that I was still putting my face back together fomr the night beofre when Tim melted it off with his solo during Jimi Thing. Here is a cool video of Dave and Tim playing "Save Me" on Staurday:

Also here are a couple of clips of Will Ferrell being hilarious.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Friiiiiiiiday

It is a beautiful, sunny Friday here in Columbus, OH and I am in a particularly good mood. This makes me a little nervous because I feel that when a day starts out good like this there is something lurking around the corner that is going to piss me off later. Maybe it will be playing a bad round of golf when I meet up with DeLucia after work. Maybe it will be the way that people drive on 315. Maybe it will be the fact that I am starving right now and need to go get some Chipotaste. Yeah thats right, Chipotaste. That's a Jon McCurdy original.
The title of this post takes me back to my days at the best high school in Ohio, Bishop Watterson. There is a teacher/coach/fill in the blank at watty that used to hang a shirt on his door every friday. It read "It's Friiiiiiiday". He would stand outside of his door in between periods and yell "It's Friiiiiiiday". Most students hated it and were very annoyed. This teacher had this shirt for a very long time and it was his little tradition to indulge in every Friday. Well, leave it up to one of my friends to end this man's joy and tradition. A friend of mine, not to be named, Brad Kernan, stole the shirt one day senior year. For those of you who did not go to watty this may not seem like a big deal, but trust me, it was. The rumors started flying around senior hall that the shirt was stolen. Then, the names of the suspects started surfacing. Oddly, or not oddly enough, every name was one of my friends. I ran with a tough crew. Still do. What do you want to do fight about it? Anyway, Brad is still in possession of the shirt and plans on having his little sister return it to the teacher the last day of her senior 2014.
In honor of Brad being a brave soul and going through with the theft. I will plug his music website. It is a pretty cool site. Here is the link

While most of you check out the raps on Brad's site, I will give you this video that is on the other end of the musical spectrum. This is a song by my new man crush, Blake Shelton. The guy is hilarious. Follow him on twitter @blakeshelton. He's always tweeting about being drunk and hungover which can be pretty entertaining while you are at work. I also encourage to watch him on The Voice. It is on NBC early on in the week, not sure which night. This is his newest single, Honey Bee. Enjoy!

Monday, June 13, 2011

LeBron..shut up

I am very happy for Dirk Nowitzki and Brian "The Custodian" Cardinal who won their first NBA title last night by defeating El Heat and Jimmy McCurdy's least favorite player, LeBron James. I tried my best to stay up and watch the post game comments form the players because I knew that Queen James herself would say something to prove once again that he is an arrogant/self centered/egotistical person. When asked about his thoughts on the people that wanted to see him fail he had this to say:
This guy is unreal. What I heard when he was speaking was "I play in the NBA and have millions of dollars so that makes me better than you. Your life sucks, I'm sweet, suck on that". He is such an idiot every time he talks to the media. He also said last night that he doenst pay attention to what people say or write about him. Well then how come the other day when u tweeted "now or never" you told the media that you were up all night reading articles about yourself and the finals. You're not as smooth as you think you are "King James" (a nickname that was given to him by...himself). The dude wants to act so mature in front of the cameras and act like he's a saint but his true colors are starting to show with all of the shenanigans he has pulled in past year.
And of course the media asked Mark Cuban about LeBum and his quote was phenomenal, "Who the [----] cares about LeBron James". Priceless.

Here is a little video to get everyone's hopes up.

Now that Shaq is retired, will there be a sequel? For Tommy Horstman's sake, and for your daughters sake, I sure hope so.

Friday, June 10, 2011

First Post!

Whats Happenin?
I wanted to start a blog because I am always in the mood to share funny/interesting/cool videos with all of my friends. I usually do it over facebook and twitter but I wanted a blog of my own. I will also post my thoughts and opinions on different issues in the world today (mostly sports). 
The first video I want to post is of one of my favorite Dave Matthews Band songs called "So Damn Lucky". It is a version with Trey Anastasio, the lead singer of Phish, accompanied by some musicians from Senegal. I hope you all enjoy it.